Ledger® Live*Download -*

Download now for a secure financial future. Explore the official Ledger® Live download on Gitbook. Safely manage your digital assets and experience the ultimate security in cryptocurrency storage.

Ledger Live is an essential application for securely managing cryptocurrency assets using Ledger hardware wallets. Whether you're new to cryptocurrencies or a seasoned trader, setting up Ledger Live is crucial for accessing features like portfolio management, secure transactions, and staking. This guide walks you through the steps to download, install, and set up Ledger Live on your desktop computer, ensuring you can safely manage your digital assets.

Step-by-Step Guide to Downloading and Installing Ledger Live

1. Visit the Ledger Website:

Start by visiting the official Ledger website at ledger.com. Navigate to the 'Products' section and locate 'Ledger Live' under the software offerings.

2. Choose Your Operating System:

Ledger Live is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. Click on the download link that corresponds to your operating system.

3. Download the Installer:

Once you click on the download link, the Ledger Live installer file (usually a .exe file for Windows, .dmg file for macOS, or .AppImage file for Linux) will start downloading to your computer.

4. Run the Installer:

Locate the downloaded file and double-click to run the installer. Follow the on-screen instructions to begin the installation process.

5. Install Ledger Live:

During installation, you may be prompted to choose the installation location and agree to the terms and conditions. Proceed with the installation by clicking 'Next' or 'Install', depending on your operating system.

6. Launch Ledger Live:

Once the installation is complete, you can launch Ledger Live from your desktop or application menu.

Setting Up Ledger Live

1. Connect Your Ledger Hardware Wallet:

Before you can start using Ledger Live, you need to connect your Ledger hardware wallet (such as Ledger Nano S or Ledger Nano X) to your computer using the USB cable provided.

2. Initialize Your Ledger Device:

If you're setting up your Ledger hardware wallet for the first time, follow the on-screen instructions on the device itself to initialize it. This involves setting a PIN code and writing down the recovery phrase (24-word seed phrase) provided by the device. Ensure you store this recovery phrase securely and do not share it with anyone.

3. Open Ledger Live:

Once your Ledger device is initialized and connected to your computer, open the Ledger Live application that you previously installed.

4. Set Up Ledger Live:

Follow the prompts on Ledger Live to set up your device. You may need to select 'Set up as new device' if this is your first time using Ledger Live with this hardware wallet.

5. Install Apps on Your Ledger Device:

Ledger Live will guide you through the process of installing apps for cryptocurrencies you want to manage. These apps allow you to send, receive, and manage specific cryptocurrencies on your Ledger hardware wallet.

6. Manage Your Portfolio:

Once set up, Ledger Live will display your portfolio balance and transaction history. You can explore different tabs to manage accounts, send and receive cryptocurrencies, and view detailed transaction information.

Features of Ledger Live

1. Portfolio Management:

  • Monitor the value of your cryptocurrency holdings in real-time.

  • View historical performance and track changes in portfolio value.

2. Secure Transactions:

  • Confirm transactions securely on your Ledger hardware wallet.

  • Private keys never leave the device, enhancing security.

3. Exchange Integration:

  • Buy, sell, and swap cryptocurrencies directly within Ledger Live.

  • Integration with trusted exchange partners ensures a seamless trading experience.

4. Staking and Rewards:

  • Stake cryptocurrencies like Tezos (XTZ) or Cosmos (ATOM) to earn rewards.

  • Delegate tokens and participate in network consensus.

5. Real-Time Price Updates:

  • Monitor cryptocurrency prices with real-time market data.

  • Stay informed about market trends and make informed decisions.

Security and Backup

1. Secure Element Technology:

  • Ledger hardware wallets use secure element chips to protect private keys.

  • Provides robust protection against physical and software attacks.

2. PIN Code Protection:

  • Access to Ledger Live and your hardware wallet is protected by a PIN code.

  • Prevents unauthorized access even if your device is lost or stolen.

3. Recovery Phrase:

  • During setup, you receive a 24-word recovery phrase.

  • Store this phrase securely as it is essential for recovering your wallet in case of loss or damage to your hardware device.


Downloading and setting up Ledger Live is straightforward and essential for securely managing your cryptocurrency assets. By following this guide, you can install Ledger Live on your desktop computer, connect your Ledger hardware wallet, and start exploring its features for managing, trading, and staking cryptocurrencies with confidence. Ledger Live combines ease of use with advanced security features, making it a trusted choice for cryptocurrency enthusiasts worldwide.

Last updated